Yesway Supports Local Communities After Wildfires

The retailer donated $100,000 and is running a roundup campaign.

June 28, 2024

Yesway is providing support with a $100,000 donation to the New Mexico areas in and around Ruidoso that have been tragically impacted as a result of catastrophic wildfires that struck these towns over the last week.

As reported by the Las Cruces Sun News, the South Fork Fire, which started on June 17 inside the Lincoln National Forest and on Mescalero Apache Tribal lands, and the Salt Fire, burned in southern New Mexico, had consumed nearly 23,000 acres by June 18.

Mandatory evacuation of residents and tourists from the communities of Ruidoso, Mescalero and Ruidoso Downs, which are located between the fires and in proximity to where five local Allsup's stores serve as community hubs, were instituted as the fire raged on. The effects of the wildfires are still to be tallied.

To help the company achieve its goal of raising $200,000 in total for those affected, Yesway and Allsup's invited its customers, fans, friends and supplier partners to join the effort and donate as well.

"All of us at Yesway feel compelled to support our friends and neighbors who live and work in the Ruidoso area," said Tom Trkla, Yesway's chairman and chief executive officer. "We are donating $100,000 to benefit the families and community members who have been affected by these disastrous wildfires and are hoping our customers can help us raise an additional $100,000. We ask our Yesway and Allsup's customers across the nine states in which we operate to join us by making donations at our stores. We also invite our supplier partners to join with us in raising funds for our affected communities. Every generous donation will help us to achieve our goal of raising funds for those who have been affected."

Through July 31, Yesway and Allsup's customers are invited to make $1, $5, $10 (or larger) donations at checkout to benefit the Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico.

"We are humbled by the support from Yesway and Allsup's," said President and CEO Terra V. Winter of the Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico. "Yesway and Allsup's are a long-standing partner in the areas that have been affected by the Salt and South Fork fires. We are grateful for their incredible donation during this time and their extended support to invite their customers across their stores to join us in caring for our Lincoln and Otero County communities.”

Winters added, “Funding will aid residents affected by the fires while focusing on emerging and long-term economic revitalization. We are stronger together and are truly grateful for their giving hearts."
