Why Your Forecourt Advertisements Aren’t Effective

In-store sales are a huge profit driver for convenience retailers, and forecourt customers need to be engaged while retailers have their attention.

March 22, 2022

Rutter's Forecourt with Ads in the Window

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ALEXANDRIA, Va.—You did it. Your customer was lured onto your forecourt from the highway and is gassing up—the next challenge is getting them into the store. You have myriad offers for the customer, but how do you get the message to them?

Many convenience retailers use pump toppers (TV screens or static signage), forecourt signs, posters and printed signage on convenience store windows to advertise store promotions, but these are ineffective marketing tools, according to Rick Sales, CEO of Abierto, a digital and engagement solutions company.

“Pump toppers and printed signage are not eye-catching. They are stagnant, not durable, are hard to see, especially at night, and it’s difficult to keep them up to date,” said Sales. “It’s important that retailers grab the attention of the customer while they’re fueling.”

Sales says that pump toppers can be even more harmful than good because often the TV plays advertisements not for the store.

In-store sales are a profitable component of a convenience retailer’s business. According to the NACS State of the Industry Report of 2020 Data, in-store sales rose 1.5% in 2020 to a total of $2,571,527 per store annually, despite the many challenges retailers faced.

“One of the biggest hurdles convenience retailers face is engaging their customers at the forecourt, with the end goal of getting them in the store,” Sales said.

If pump toppers and printed signage are not effective ways to engage forecourt customers, what’s the solution? According to Abierto, the answer is OPEN.LED.

This is the first installment of a two-part NACS Daily series on converting forecourt customers to in-store purchasers through interactive LED window displays. Learn more about Abierto’s Open.LED displays.
