Compliance Resource Center

NACS is active in reviewing proposed and new regulatory requirements. Here are some of the activities we are engaged in:

CBD Retailing

Given the FDA’s stated position that foods, supplements and certain cosmetics containing CBD are unlawful, retailers don't have substantial protection under the law for the time being.

Fuels Retailing Member Only

As the leading retailer of motor fuels, the convenience store industry has a vested interest in regulations that affect the production, distribution and ultimate price and supply of motor fuels at retail.

Health Care Member Only

The health-care law changes the way many retailers offer benefits to their employees.

Labor Member Only

Labor is one of the most important and top-of-mind issues for convenience retailers.

Tobacco Member Only

Tobacco products are among the most regulated products that convenience stores sell.

We've got our eye on these major topics undergoing regulatory revision, and we're updating our compliance page frequently so check back often. The NACS Daily e-newsletter also provides updates on new regulations and announcements of future webinars or alerts on new compliance documents.
