Morrisons Daily Adds Budget Range to Store Shelves

The UK supermarket chain is adding a budget brand to its Morrisons Daily c-stores.

July 18, 2023

Morrisons is introducing a line of budget-friendly products in its 500 Morrisons Daily convenience stores. The launch will begin with essential products like toilet paper, milk and soap and expand into 30 more items like juice, cheese and butter.

As one of the “big four” supermarkets in the UK, Morrisons converted 500 McColl’s c-stores into Morrisons Daily shops. The acquisition last May also resulted in prices dropping by 12% as Morrisons brought in its own product line.

According to the Stoke Sentinel article, Morrisons CEO David Potts said, “Inflation is stubbornly high and the cost of living is showing no signs of reducing. Speaking plainly, the reason that convenience stores don’t stock entry price point products is because they make very little, if any, money and do not fit with the significantly higher cost structure of convenience stores. But customers—especially those living in areas without easy access to a supermarket—have told us how much they would appreciate it at this difficult time and so we are doing it.”

Sue Davies of Which?, a UK consumer watchdog, said, "Other supermarkets should follow this example by stocking a range of budget lines that support a healthy diet across branches, including smaller convenience stores—with a particular focus on areas where people are really struggling with the cost of living.

"All supermarkets should also make pricing more transparent—including on promotions and loyalty card offers—so shoppers can easily find the best value products," she suggested.
