Happy Birthday, NACS

The association celebrates 62 years of providing knowledge, connections and, of course, advocacy.

August 14, 2023

Sixty-two years ago today retailers gathered in Kansas City to create the National Association of Convenience Stores, which is now more commonly referred to as “NACS.”

One of those original founders, John Roscoe, writes about the experience in this month’s NACS Magazine.

The history of the industry and its evolution is also the topic of a new NACS Convenience Matters podcast that was published today.

For NACS’ 60th anniversary, NACS Magazine looked at the three “waves” of convenience.

Over the past 62 years, the industry has collectively accomplished a lot. We created the NACS Show, which brings together the industry to share ideas, network and find new products. This year’s NACS Show takes place October 3-6 in Atlanta. The event is so important to the industry that NACS even held the Show in 2005, when it seemed unlikely after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, the planned host for the NACS Show just six weeks later: Katrina 2005: Moving the NACS Show | NACS (convenience.org)

On the advocacy front, NACS led the effort to pass the Durbin Amendment in 2010, which led to debit card swipe fee reform. NACS and other retailer groups are now pursuing credit card reform, with legislation introduced in both the House and Senate. Make your voice heard in moving this legislation forward: Credit Card Swipe Fees | NACS (convenience.org)

“Of course, none of our rich accomplishments and bright future would be possible without our engaged Retailer and Supplier members. Thanks for a great 62 years!” said NACS President and CEO Henry Armour.
