Fuels Institute Evaluates EV Market Regulations

A new report examines policies encouraging efficient installation of EV charging stations, as well as those that impede progress.

October 18, 2022

ALEXANDRIA, Va.—The Fuels Institute’s Electric Vehicle Council (EVC) has released a new report on the regulatory environment of the electric vehicle market.

The report, “A Best Practice for EVSE Regulations,” harnesses the vast market experience of key stakeholders and identifies policies implemented by authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs) that support the efficient installation of electric vehicle charging stations, as well as those that impede such installations.

The report serves a critical need identified by previous EVC reports, as well as those published by other organizations, that the soft costs incurred navigating inadequate or outdated regulatory requirements are a significant barrier to development of a robust EV charging infrastructure.

“While many localities around the country are beginning to plan for EV growth, research has revealed that most states and localities that were surveyed had little to no policies at all respecting public EV charging,” said John Eichberger, executive director of the Fuels Institute. “This is expected to change quickly in the next several years as states and localities recognize the need to prepare for the rise in electrification and receive funding from different sources. Many state and local officials for the first time will have to consider developing and implementing policies to expand infrastructure.”

Policy topics addressed in this guide include:


  • Defining public utility and allowing kWh charging
  • Installation-related policies
  • Operation-related policies
  • EV-charging incentive programs
  • Utility-related policies 


  • Expedited permitting requirements
  • Parking requirements
  • EV-ready building code requirements
  • Signage requirements
  • Technical requirements 

The guide concludes with best practice recommendations from regulated entities themselves. These are stakeholders that have accumulated years of experience installing and operating EV-charging infrastructure around the U.S.

Stakeholders from the EV-charging industry, fuel retailing, utility and metropolitan planning organizations shared their expertise and actionable and practical recommendations as AHJs begin to develop and implement EV-charging policies.

Download the free report.
