Viral Challenge Celebrates Frozen Dispensed Beverages

“Seven Second Freeze Challenge” encourages people to take videos while drinking their favorite frozen dispensed beverage—and support a good cause.

June 01, 2022

Seven Second Freeze Challenge

CHICAGO—Starting June 1, convenience stores may see increased customer traffic at the frozen dispensed beverage machine with the National Headache Foundation’s (NHF) call to action for Americans to “drink and donate” as part of its Seven Second Freeze Challenge to boost awareness and research for headache disorders and migraine disease.

The group developed the concept for the challenge to raise awareness during the month of June, which is Migraine and Headache Awareness Month.

"The Seven Second Freeze Challenge is a tangible way everyone can show their support for the more than 40 million American adults who seek medical care for headache disorders and migraine disease,” said Tom Dabertin, NHF’s CEO and executive director.

Convenience stores are a logical stop for the challenge since they are the top seller of frozen dispensed beverages, averaging between $30,000 and $40,000 in sales, according to NACS State of the Industry data, with these sales peaking in the warmer summer months.

Those participating in the challenge are encouraged to film themselves quickly drinking their favorite frozen beverage and capture the reaction when the freeze hits them. The name “Seven Second Freeze Challenge” alludes to the fact that these freezes typically occur within that seven second period of time—and Dabertin found a peer-reviewed research paper that supports that.

Like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, participants are encouraged to nominate friends to also take up the challenge, encouraging donations. Dabertin hopes the allure of the challenge spreads quickly through social media, generating participation by celebrities (some are already lined up), influencers and people from all walks of life. “Most importantly, the challenge is designed to draw awareness of the impact that chronic headache has on more than 40 million American adults,” he said.

To learn more about the challenge or to see how your company could work with NHF on the challenge, go to or follow the hashtags #FreezeChallenge or #NHFreeze.
