LA Plans to Electrify Entire City Fleet

The move to all EVs is part of the city’s initiative to be carbon free by 2035.

April 11, 2022

EV Charging Stations on street sidewalks

ALEXANDRIA, Va.—The city of Los Angeles plans to convert its fleet of 10,000 vehicles to electric-powered vehicles by 2035, reports FOX LA. The move is in line with the LA100 initiative to be 100% carbon free by 2035.

“Our actions today are the foundation of a thoughtful, visionary and effective transition to electric vehicles by the city and by the public,” said Councilmen Mitch O'Farrell during the City Council meeting Wednesday. “At the same time, there's nothing inherently clean about electric vehicles unless we have clean electricity. That's why it's so important that this effort is coordinated with our LA100 Plan to transition to 100% carbon-free electricity by 2035."

The city of Los Angeles currently has 124 electric sedans, 46 plug-in electric hybrids and two hybrid electric street sweepers. Four light-duty electric trucks are also expected to arrive in Los Angeles this year.

The conversion is part of the city’s Electric Vehicle Master Plan, which also includes the expansion of an EV charging network. Los Angeles authorities project that it will need about 97,000 charging stations by 2030.

Los Angeles’ Department of General Services is expected to plan out the installation of EV charging stations across 600 city-owned facilities, such as parks and libraries. O'Farrell, who introduced the motion, hopes that the city's actions will incentivize the private sector to deploy charging stations.

(Read more about electricity demand charges and what they mean for retailers’ ability to turn a profit from EV charging.)

Los Angeles has installed 350 electric vehicle chargers, 140 for the city fleet and 210 for the public and city employees at 19 facilities across the city over the past five years.

The Convenience Matters podcast, “Where Do EVs Make the Most Sense?” examines the findings from a Fuels Institute study looking at life-cycle emissions for EVs and fuel-powered vehicles. NACS also has a topics page on electric vehicles.
