Engaging Hispanic Customers

This demographic is more tech-forward and open to digital content and ads.

July 27, 2018

CHICAGO – How can retailers and brands connect with U.S. Hispanic customers more effectively? Through the platforms actively frequented by this group, The Marketing Insider reports. “Hispanics are tech-forward and are increasingly consuming content and ads digitally more than any other non-Hispanic groups,” wrote columnist Parker Morse.

Hispanics have been labeled “super mobile, super consumers” because of their early adoption of smartphones. “On average, Hispanics spend more time on their smartphones than any other demographic, whether it’s streaming video or music, using social media platforms, or searching for information online,” Morse said.

This demographic also uses social media platforms regularly “to stay connected to their culture and their families. As a result, a company that’s able to tap into these networks, whether by advertising on a platform that Hispanics are heavily present on or through strong word-of-mouth campaigns, is much more likely to fully penetrate the Hispanic market,” Morse said.

Mobile ads can effectively reach this audience. “Based on my experience in the world of Hispanic advertising, consumers generally respond better to rich media such as ads that feature images, videos, audio or anything that allows people to interact with what they see on screen,” he wrote. Retailers and brands can score big with this audience by adding animation, embedding location maps or including other interactive features.

“Understanding the platforms that are most effective when reaching U.S. Hispanics is instrumental for brands and advertising, not least because it tells you where you should be placing your ads, but because it also informs the content and tenor of your advertising,” Morse concluded.
