NACS Comments on Proposed Renewable Fuel Volumes

Comments submitted to U.S. EPA are generally favorable regarding the agency’s proposed 2019 renewable volume obligations.

August 24, 2018

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – Last week, NACS submitted comments to the U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA) as part of the public comment process on its draft proposed rule on the renewable volume obligations (RVOs) under the Renewable Fuel Standard program for 2019. As reported previously, EPA released its proposed RVOs in June, and interested parties had until August 17 to submit their comments.

Overall, EPA proposed a 3.1% increase in renewable fuel blending. The proposed total renewable fuel requirement for 2019 is 19.88 billion gallons of biofuel with no more than 15 billion gallons from conventional renewable fuels such as corn ethanol. Using its statutory waiver authority, EPA has proposed volumes for cellulosic biofuel, advanced biofuels and total renewable fuels that are below the volume targets mandated by Congress. 

NACS generally is supportive of the proposed obligations for 2019 and EPA’s use of the waiver process to ensure that the market is able to absorb additional amounts of renewable fuel. In its comments, NACS also shared its concerns regarding the small refiner exemption process and the need for more transparency and openness when exemptions are granted. 

EPA has until November 30 to finalize the 2019 volume requirements under the RFS program. To view NACS’s comments, click here.
