Convenience & Fuel Retailing

Investing in Our Industry

NACS Annual Reports > Why NACS Matters > Investing in Our Industry

We’re Here to Help

We’re Here to Help

Not Your Typical Trade Association

Beyond NACS core offering, NACS Foundation & Strategic Initiatives represent untapped potential to elevate & magnify your CSR efforts. 

Research: We have a robust portfolio of quantitative and qualitative research solutions designed to meet the unique needs of the convenience and fuel retailing industry. Our vision is to advance the analytical capabilities, insights and business performance of retailers, brands and industry partners across our industry.

Government Relations: Our goal is to protect the best interests of the convenience and fuel retailing industry before Congress and federal agencies—especially against rules and regulations that can have a negative impact on your business.

NACS advocacy across the country in 2021 map

Membership: Joining NACS is the best way for your employees to access all the resources they need to succeed.

Education: Our world-class educational opportunities are designed for convenience retail leaders and employees who want to advance their subject matter expertise and leadership skills to successfully thrive and grow their business.

NACS Magazine: Each month we share insightful articles focusing on industry trends, best practices, metrics and advocacy. Subscriptions are free, you just need to sign up!

How can we help you?

Visit to see how NACS can help your business thrive.